
“In the right light, at the right moment, everything is extraordinary.”
Nothing like light defines the atmosphere, the habitat and the mood.


“In the right light, at the right moment, everything is extraordinary.”
Nothing like light defines the atmosphere, the habitat and the mood.


Every single furniture choice should respond
to an internal resonance and give us back a primary sensation.


We fall in love with a painting when a part of our Soul finds its representation.
Which one and why, remains a mystery.


We fall in love with a painting when a part of our Soul finds its representation.
Which one and why, remains a mystery.

Silver and metals

Lively and shiny, silver declares its value at a first glance.

Antiques and Curiosities

Every art object that has survived time silently preserves its history.
We can perceive the story through our senses; we choose it for the correspondences it evokes in us.

Antiques and Curiosities

Every art object that has survived time silently preserves its history.
We can perceive the story through our senses; we choose it for the correspondences it evokes in us.

Empoli glass

Monochrome transparencies that reflect the most sincere Tuscan tradition.
Empoli glass combines elegance and aesthetics, embodying timeless beauty.


The sacredness of Christmas is invaded by intimate memories.
A few simple objects evoke them as if by magic.

Il Natale

La sacralità del Natale si intride di ricordi intimi.
Alcuni semplici oggetti li evocano come per magia.


Discover all my antique ceramics on the new site.

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